my name is

This is where I put the pretty things I've made.

I'm from Chicago, but I now live in Bern, Switzerland.

I am a classically trained graphic designer, who has taught himself how to code.

This entire website was designed and coded, from scratch, by me. The images of me are courtesy of the brilliant Alexandre Margot and Carina Stucki.

The site also relies on a backend that I both designed and engineered.

I also enjoy experimenting with cooking, writing, and music.

I have soft spots for craft beer, lovely bicycles, space rock, and stark minimalism.

My ears itch almost constantly.

I am a morning person, but only when I don't have to be.

Sometimes I dress myself entirely in one color, all the way down to my knickers. Only sometimes.

I hate air travel. And smooth jazz.

Though I may not show it outwardly, I am constantly impatient, much to the chagrin of those around me.

I am happiest when learning, and surrounded by supportive folk.

Connect with me here.




this site does not support internet explorer.

at all.

come back with something that doesn't make my blood boil.

deal with it,